boley dktakn stu blog nie, kbnyknnye aku luahkn psai dia. tntng ape lgi nk aku critakn? dialh watak utma dlm hdup aku. slain dri parents aku la. kwn mmg aku dh tarok tepi. kwn tu kwn la. dh mmg xkn lari dh. tpi hal kkasih nie, klau x jga hati dia, akn lari jgak. mcm si dia. aku rnsing sgt die akn lri tngglkn aku. mngkinkh bnde nie akn trjadi? hope not. i just wished that we could live happily ever after. like the fairytales do. but this is the real life. kite prlu jgak face the bad things in relationship. nobody's perfect right? everyone make mistakes. haha. ape yg aku merepek nie? sptutnye aku cite bnde len. bnde len plak yg kuar. haha. ape dh aku nk cite? nothing actually. just about him. it's always about him. there's no one else but him. let me admit it that i am so addicted to him. he's like a drug to me. what can i say? i am madly in love with him from the first time i met him officially as a friend. look what you've done to me sym. you kept making me fall in love with you even more. day by day. urghhh. aku x pnh mnyesal jadi awek die. skit pon xde. mybe he's a bit annoide but at the same time he is not. he tries to make things get better. i really hoped that my relationship with him would end up happily. aku x boley bygkn klau2 aku khilng die. what would happend? how can mylife be better without him? if it's do happend, i would rather die.(it was just a joke). amirool iddin. he has brighten my day ever since he came into my life. although we've been fighting for some silly reasons. well hey, we still together. eventhough i've been fallen in love before but it didn't work out between two of us. an now, i am hoping for better one in this relationship. with him beside me, there is nothing that can stop me from loving him deeply. look sym, what have you done to me? i am madly and insane about you. i can't stop thinking about you every single second of my life. and now i'm craving for you. there is nothing else that i wanted more than you. is you that i wanted!
p/s ; this is what i write
when im missing you.
if you read this sym, just tell
me that you also missed me
as much as i missed you.
and please don't leave me.