cerita kita :)
terlalu plik dn cepat sgt kmsraan btween kita. crita yg plik. ptutkh aku critkn dsini scra detail? kn nnti ade yg x senang. huhu. tpi xpe kot. ampun maaf awl2 klau ade yg xsenang. huhu
22 septermber 2010
masa tu aku on9 FB sprti biasa and forgot sma ada aku ke dia yg tgur kt chatbox. apabila start berchting mula brtanya pasl org tu org nie. org yg prtama dprsoalkn is F.Z. huhu. yela. ape x nye. persona itu brkaet rpt dgn die pda ktika itu. dn mulalh aku brgurau senda dgn mmberi idea yg agk jht dn nakal utk mngenakn F.Z. apekh? itu x prlu anda tahu. haha. igtkn hnya gurauan smata2 but end up laen. sblum die penahla mcm 'mneganyim' aku ngan pnggil BEE. well not now. it has been our mnja2 name. well it his act. he called me PUPU. why? bcause it sounds sweey and cute. well. we text. chat. getting along with each other.
aku xpnh ade dlm otak yg aku akn serius ngan dia. frankly speaking i'd liked someone else before. but then came him. it chagend actually and i don't even know how because it has been so fast. it started to be complicated. what is our relationship anyway? ape yg kita nk jwb klau org tnya? friends? lovers? or just a scandal? it's too complicted. kdg2 nk je rhsiakn prhubngan nie.
we became closer then ever. weird. totally weird. each and every minute je texting ngan die. x plik klau tba2 boley brknan dlm hati right? we've meet before. lots of time. we're actually knew each other since year 2 SK ISLAH and we've been friends before. but it's kinda different this time. we're too close.
then came 28 september 2010
he starter to be so romatic that i've totally melt on. the question just pop in "would you be my gf?" OMG! my hand was like shaking when i've read the text. what should i do? mmg la msa tu dh brknan kt die. a bit. tpi aku still fkir cam trlalu awl sgt for a relationship. i just need to know him a little bit longer so that i wont make any mistakes.
before today. all of our relations were secret. nobody know. even texting dpt kwn mcm sorok2 xnk bgi nmpk. wlpapr fon yg dh dtukar gmba si HAIRIL AIMAN AZMY jgak cuma dsorok2. knpe nk sorok? sbb xnk mnimbulkn sbrng spekulasi. no yet. haha. tpi skrng dh x prlu dsorok2kn lgi. the longer it takes to know you. the more my heart blooms as the blossom bloomed i spring :)
nobody really wants to see us together but it don't matter. because i got you. wlaupun trlalu rmai yg x sukakn prhbungn kita. wlaupn trlalu rmai yg nk mngutuk2 kita. aku x penah kesah. ape org nk kata. katalh sbnyk mna dorg nk kata. as long as i have you and you have me. i really think that i'm falling for you :)0
"pupu, will you take care of my heart from now till forever? :) "
the answer is YES! yes i wil!
i'd never think i'd said this to you syg. but you really are my dream man :)