too many things that i wanted to have. sometimes the things that we wanted the most is the only thing that we can't have. but dreams do come true.
no matter how your heart is dreaming if you keep on believing.
the dream that you wish will come true :)
so my dream is to have this :
bende nie yg aku mncari. am i going to wear that? no no. im going to buy it for someone laaaa. well mybe ade la yg female punya but defntey not my kind of style.huhu. surely look nice on guys laaa. like JB for an exmple :)
seeeee. me like2 so much. total cute! tntu skali u guys mcm alaaa brlmbak kt KL tuuu. i know that. the only probs is that KL pn aku susa nk jejakkn kaki. mcm mnela nk dptkn bnde nie kn.
before nie aku pgi check out bnde nie hrga in about 200++ or 500++ tpi depends on type of shoes la. the one that i want is SUPRA TK SOCIETY high top punye. dreamer la klau tgk guys pkai. antra sbb2 nk bli bnde nie sbb dh xtau nk bli ape dh as a presnt laaa. so finaly aku krim kt kezen aku kt australia. dgr2 nye kt sna lgi mhl dri kt snie. tpi kezen aku tu bapok kaye so xpela kot. huhu. nnti byrla ansur ansurn kt die kn? huhu. bnde laen that i had in mind is
sume mcm bieber punye. spe x gilekn bieber right? haha. DREAMER gituuuu. so bnde tu CAP yg dier pkai. color pon mcm WOW gituuu. huhu. so btween both of it which one? so i wonderrrrr. haha. dh naek gile dh. WANT BOTH! tpi SEYEK duit la klau nk both kn. tgkla sumber kewangan mcm mne ;)