Jun 10, 2011

so yes , i'm being a dramatic person . who are you to judge ?

last weeknd was the first weeknd that i get to have fun round KL . its weird when we never leave our hometown then suddenly we're 570 km/h away . actually , it doesn't feel that much of a far away and i don't know why . but nevermind . back to the story .

alamak aii . susalaaa nk berspeaking speaking sakan ni . elok je kite kekalkn bhasa kita kn ? *xde sape suruh kau speaking pon nafeesha oi . kau je yg prasan -__-"

so , as i was saying . minggu lps aku try try naik public transport kt KL ni *buknnye nk sgt . tpi trpakse . yelah . kite jauh nun kt hujung dunia . parents kite kt tngh tngh KL . mcm mane ? terpkselh BERDIKARI utk nk ke destinasi haaa :D

*motif kite kt sini nk ckp psl movie yg kite tgk . bkn life kite time weeknd . hatoyaii .

so yes . kite pegi tgk movie . yeay ! sudah sekian lama mengidam . aceceecece . nsib baek that time got TERBAEK punye movie :D

X-Men First Class

i was like WOW ! best gile ! kite pegi movie ngan kite punye sister and her boyfy . kite mcm jeles jee . kebetulan pulaakkk sit kt sbelh kite kosong . alaaa . mcm sedih lh pulak . mkcik pkcik kt sblh pon nk sweet sweet . please laa ! kite rindu BOYFY kite laaaa ! but nevermind . 2 weeks akn dtg kite jmpelh kite punye boyfy :P i loikeeeeee

time nk beli ticket tu , berjeleeeee je org tgh que . smpt la kite tgk yg up coming movie tuu . excited sgt nk tgk

Green Lantern

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2

New Beastly

Transformers 3 : Dark of the Moon

Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn

totally excited bout the movie . to my boyfy . kite xnk tgk Nur Kasih . sedih sgt . kite nk tgk kt atas nie . oke ? hehe . can't wait to see you AYIL :D