Jul 25, 2016

The Life of Fsha

I got to be honest, the life that I'm living is not much an excitement as it seems, in fact it doesn't seem to be that exciting. Looking at the photos on instagram, with all those people enjoying their life, activities, friends, families and boyfriends, I envied them a little bit. In a way, I wanted to have that kind of life.

I'm no rich nor am I fun. I had a quite normal life, ordinary. I sometimes wish that my family were life the rich type of family, always have people come over for dinner, socialize, holidays around the world but then again, God has it ways to make us great full of what we had and YES I am great full for what I had.

Despite the lack of fortune, my family manage to keep us together,a family oriented type of way. Despite the lack of socialization, my family manage to keep us in our line, religiously and not to go over board. Despite the holidays, my family manage to teach us all the other things that is more important and for what I've known of it, that is what matters the most. Others is just a world temptation and I should really put that in mind. 

In a way, wanting to be just like the social family isn't going to cut up. For almost two years I was caught up in it and honestly, it's not healthy. Somehow, I'm glad I got out of it. 

Just embrace what you got and be grateful.